Underneath the star is the constellation for Virgo (Nannetta's sign). It's a fairly simple design but I think it fits in with has already been stitched on the towel. I hope she likes it.
And I have recieved my finished towel- it is so fantastic.

Thanks to (left to right below) Sewsew-a-gogo, IamSusie, Timpani~Jax, UrsulaDiamond and Nannetta

I love everything on my towel- the designs are all very 'me' and the quality of the stitching is amazing. I was lucky to get a great group who have been fun to swap with- I really hope to swap with each of them again some time in the future. I feel sad that this swap is drawing to an end but it is great to see all the finished towels springing up on the Craftster gallery (it's a big gallery but you can click on 'show images only' to just view the pics)