I'm doing a personal swap with KatieKutthroat via Craftster. She has made me a beautiful tote http://katiekutthroat.blogspot.com/2008/08/swap-stuff-for-sewphie.html and a pinup picture - this is what I've made her. The image is based on an Angelique Houtcamp http://www.salonserpent.com/Home.html illustration (again!). It's in a simple hoop frame at the moment but I'm toying with patching it onto a tote instead. I'm not even sure it's Katie's style- if you're reading this please let me know whether you like it- I'll happily make you something else if it's not really your thing (oh, and let me know if you would prefer her to be on a bag- I have some nice thin cotton totes that would be perfect)
Her hair took an age to do- it's loads of little satin stitch lines with the odd bit of sparkle thrown in- you can sort of see it in the close up (the little white bit's are tiny gaps between the stitches that lit up with the flash- you can't see 'em in real life). My photography skills could use a little polish ;)
I really loved stitching this and am happy with how she came out. I like the colours and they work well with the light brown fabric. I've also made a teeny extra piece that I'll keep a suprise for now. This is my first personal swap and it's been a lot of fun. I'm hoping it will be the first of many.