This embroidery is based on a vintage photo I found online- I fell in love with his mustache. Although it was good fun to work on I'm not really very happy with the finished piece. I used to like little long and short stitches as a fill stitch but looking at this I'm going off it. I think as it's too stripey, or maybe it just doesn't work so well here as it 'flattens' his torso. Also the colours I chose were too bright, especially his skin. I realized this halfway through but couldn't face unpicking it all so I teastained it at the end, it's better but I'm not thrilled by the end result. Am considering staining it a bit darker still, or I might just put it away for a while and look at it with fresh eyes in a month or so, what do you think?
Another issue is what to do with him, I'd planned to put him in an 8 by 6 oval hoop and hang him with some other hoops I have on display, but I can't find one anywhere-I don't think they actually exist so I might stretch him over a small canvas or put some dowel at the top and bottom to make a sort of wall hanging- but am open to any suggestions.
I think my next project will be a sort of fill stitch sampler- maybe even a tutorial (oooo fancy!) in the meantime I'm testing a really cute pattern for
imagine gnats that I can't wait to show you and also stitching up some flash gordon fan art (oooo geeky!)